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Home > english-chinese > "v-belt pulley" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "v-belt pulley"


Related Translations:
magnetic pulley separator:  磁力分离滚筒滑轮式磁选机
v depression:  形低压
v seed:  v向种子
v thanh:  渭清
v variable:  变量
settle v:  沉淀
v foot:  箭形锄齿
alfonso v:  索五世
retake v:  回收,取回
club ver:  什么啊
Example Sentences:
1.Driving elements ; v - belt pulleys ; dimensions , material
2.Agricultural machinary half wide v - belt pulleys
3.The computer programs of parameter and v - belt pulley ? structure design were made in the research , based on the regular design steps , the equation , data sheet and digraph were made into the forms which the computer can search automatically . the solid mouldings were made which can be drive by the design parameters
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